Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sleeep Update.

As many of you read in my last post, you know that our sweet little girl has had her days and nights confused for a little over a week now. The past 2 nights have actually went really well. I kept her up as much as I could during the day. Every time she would wake up to eat, after I fed her I would talk to her and try and keep her awake as long as possible. It really must be paying off because the past two nights have been pretty easy. Evie lays down in her bassinet at about 9 o'clock, wakes up at around 2 to eat and then again at about 6. After that she is usually up for a long while. I am hoping that this will continue but our schedule is going to be a little choppy the next few days with Christmas but it should be fine! Thank you for all the advice =]This picture was taken just last night after we got back from visiting some family. I thought it was to cute being that it was alot like the one of me and Miss Evie.

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